Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sexy life

So I found out last night that boo thang gets out less often that I do (duh he is in law school) and that the last night that he came out was the first night that we hooked up (run-on sentence). Wowser. So it's almost like our hook-ups are par for the course. But for me I've been out a lot since then and our first hook-up has a lot of other memories to contend with in terms of primary head space. That is not at all to say that I wasn't reliving that night for numerous nights after it happened. I was. And I also was hoping and wishing for a while that the next time I went out that he would be there and that we could have a repeat performance. But alas not until last night .

One of the cool things about last night was that neither of us had planned to be at the place where we saw each other. His friend convinced him to get out from under the law books. My friend told me to come to a party that I didn't know existed until an hour or so before I got there. I was so surprised to see him. At our first interlude, before he left, he said that he hoped that  I wouldn't go all crazy on him and think negatively of him due to the nature of our connection and the intentional disconnection that he insisted we maintain. I told him then and I totally meant it that I wouldn't be that way. And after going home and reflecting on the entire experience, I really framed it as a very beautiful interaction between to willing adults. He fulfilled a need that I wasn't fully aware of harboring. I'm not sure what it did for him and I hesitate to ask because I don't want to tread into the murky depths of possible emotional connection.

It was probably very confusing to the other people at the party to see me dance with and behave as I was with him. Maybe they will ask me later. Maybe they will figure it out on their own. Maybe they will gossip. Either was I was enjoying myself freely. Broham definitely took it hard when I pointed out my naked finger. But that is for another post...

Partly I am concerned that our times together are spaced so closely together within his mental world. I hope that this can remain casual.And I'm super glad that he didn't let me take it all the way there. And maybe he was bluffing about not wanting to go all the way there. He is training to be a lawyer. Either way it was a delicious time. I'm curious now if and when we will meet again and the circumstances surrounding it. I wonder if we will progress or stay where we are and do the same. I'm also hoping that the thing that I'm running from doesn't find me. I'll know in a month or less.

Speaking of running from things, I'm not being terribly concerned about safety. Maybe I should be. I don't want to be. But within all this gallivanting, I can't go too far over the edge.


OMG it has been so long since I've blogged, I think I forgot that I had this. I'm feeling like letting it all hang out since there is so much bottled up right now. Well maybe not ALL, but I'm definitely gonna share the things that I wouldn't share in polite company.  I'll also break up the posts within a topic so they are slightly more coherent.